Sunday 29 December 2013

Back to modeling

So with all of the basic game play, events and cameras for the cut-scenes and quick-time events set up inside of the cell blocks, i have decided to go back to modeling the rest of the assets for the cell blocks, thus making it so that i can finish them off and add lighting to the scene, as well add more minor events into the section to do with these and add these to some of the current cut-scenes where i have them planned.

Firstly on my to do list for modeling is the main bulk of the walls and floors for these sections just so that i can bulk it out a little and make it look a little more impressive than just standard blue and white squares that make up the BSP walls that are currently in place. So i created a list of what i needed to create to make up the corridors. That list being: The walls themselves, i will need to create two versions of these however as with the floor due to the sections were the cell block doors are. The floors, pillars to go with the walls, the roof, a door for entrance into the main corridor which leads to each of the cell blocks as well as a wall for this to fit into and the lights that will be placed onto the ceiling.

So far i have created  the mid section wall, the mid section floor piece and the pillar model and am beginning to texture the floor model first trying to keep to the same colour pallet, look and feel as the one that i had created for the cell block itself.

Main Floor

For the main floor of the corridor i decided to stick with the same sort of style as the flooring inside of the cell blocks themselves, only this time i have put some extra detail and decided to begin creating the high poly assets instead of just creating the simple low poly ones. This floor piece is bigger than the cell block one due to the extra room in the corridor giving me some extra room to play with. So with this being a high poly assets i decided that i would model a hole for grates to be created and placed into instead of just texturing them on, thus making it look better once inside of the engine, i also included lights into the floor to give it more of a sci-fi feel and to add to the aesthetics of the level inside it and especially inside the sections where the lights are flickering or totally out due to the sections without power that i have implemented into the level. The blueish parts on the model show below is where the lights are these will be emissive texture once i load all of the texture inside of the engine and add the textures inside of there.

(Below rendered image of the floor piece and below that is the asset inside of the software)


I created the pillars so that the corridor had a bit of depth to them and so that they didn't just look plain, bland and desolate. The pillars were there for another source of light in the sections where there was no power to the lighting, with these lights being emissive textures again like the ones in the flooring. These lights will change colours inside of the level like the status bars on the cell block walls, when the power cuts out of an alarm is sounded these will change to red as a sort of visual warning for the player.

(Below rendered image of the Pillar and below that is the asset inside of the software)

Wall piece

With the walls there will be a number of different section/ asset pieces to make up the full piece due to the various parts of the room, such as a different wall piece will need to be created for both of the door types that are going to be within the corridor, one being those that lead into the cell blocks themselves and the other being the one that leads into the actual corridor. The section that i however have created to begin with is the piece that will tile to fit in-between the door way sections. Again with this model i ave included the light panels and also the missing grates/panels to be created separately  and added in later to make the model look just that little bit better.

(Below rendered image of the Wall section and below that is the asset inside of the software)

All of these models are currently un-textured but i am currently working away to create textures from them wanting to get the textures done for these and have them placed inside of the engine to form a base for the corridor before i move onto modelling any of the other assets to complete the section. I will shortly post the finished textured models up upon completion of them.

Monday 16 December 2013

Change of Direction

So with my life being a little hectic over the last few weeks i haven't really had the time to sit down and focus on a specific part of the section that i would have liked to do. This was also hindered by the fact that i have been having trouble with my video capture software so i have been unable to record videos of what i have been doing to upload. So with all of these issues i decided that it was best if i worked on something that could be picked up and left at the drop of a hat so that i could spend the few free minutes that i had working on the little things. So with this as the plan i have been working away creating the basis for the quick-time events and cut-scenes as well as going in and adding triggers to the doors that needed opening for the game-play.

This is a screen shot of the what i have created inside of the level so far as you can notice that it isn't much but as my time has been scattered over the last few months i haven't really had time to work on this as much as i would have liked to. But what is shown is the build up of the three prison blocks on the ship, there is still alot of game-play to add and more cut-scenes and events to set up in this section which i will be getting straight onto now that i have a bit of free time coming up.

Friday 29 November 2013

What comes next

Over the next few days i will be continuing working on the shutter mechanic, creating the assets to create the base version of this and getting the mechanic up and running and implementing all the variations of this that will be included in the level and placing these within as i go about making the rest of the section. I will also be planning the rest of the game play for the section for example what will be placed where and what other sorts of things will be placed in these cell blocks. I will be posting videos of the mechanic as i progress along with it just to show what the mechanic will look like. At the moment it is in its base stage, i have placed standard metal frames in the place of the shutters fir the time being just to show how it will work and so i could go about getting the timing and the look of the event right. I will be recording a video of this so far to upload.

Monday 25 November 2013

The prison block so far

Here is a screen shot of what the level looks like inside of the game now, this is just the initial build-up of the cell blocks they will change when it comes to a point when I feel that I can come back and rebuild them, also I haven’t placed lighting into the scene yet I will be placing these into it at a later time. This is just meant to act as a template as to what the cells will look like, I will be creating assets and textures that will change the look of the cells as I will be making each of the cells unique, placing assets, textures and events in each of the cells to give the prison section a nice edge to it where nothing will be duplicated over or no one cell will look the same and each cell block will have different game play from the others. 

Screenshot from inside of the level at the moment

As you can see so far the computer panels outside of the cells are still to be textured with even a base texture, i will be working on this over the space of the next few days while i will be going about creating some more of the gameplay for the level and going about creating the next section and the game play to come after the player escapes the first cell-block. I will also be changing the emissive textures that can be seen on the walls in the screenshot above, i will be changing these to say 'Online' and 'Offline' instead of 'Active' and 'Deactivated'  i will also be creating the new emissive textures for both the online and offline modes. So that once the player uses the computers to open the cells or there is a power cut or fluctuation and the locks on the doors fail releasing the doors, that the emissive textures will then change from glowing green for online to glowing red for offline. 

Prison Block Assets : Doors,Wall and Floor sections

So after returning to the project I began to create the rest of the assets that I needed to finish off the cell block, going about creating the doors leading into the individual cell blocks as well as the floors trying to get the visuals of the cell blocks done to give some sort of idea as to what the level of at least the section would look like. All of the assets that I have created are base models that I will edit, re-texture or re-make at a later time when the level is at a more complete stage. 

Prison cell-block wall and doors ( This is the side of the door that leads into the individual cell blocks)

As i said before this texture will change and maybe the model as well when it comes around to it as the text at the top of the door will be getting put into a panel or a proper warning box of sorts. I'm thinking of editing the top panel so that there is a sort of plaque sticking out from it with the message engraved or sprayed onto it, the text that is there will also be subject to change. There is one thing that will be defiantly changing at a later point and that is the main circle in the middle of the doors, this will have a logo placed on the middle of it, weather that logo is going to be an emissive texture or just a standard one im not too sure yet but this will be replacing the standard green mask that is just there for speed at the moment. 

There door that are also seen here will be getting decals made for them and alternate textures due to the fact that i am going to try and make each prison cell look unique, i will be creating various alternate textures to place ontop of these such as  bloody hand prints, smashed glass, scratch marks etc just to give the level a more natural feel and not just like the prison cells have been cloned and that the player is just running through the same thing over and over again.

Prison cell-block floor (Perspective view)

(Top down view)

Again as with the floor as the same as the doors i will be creating decals and textures for these to switch between when i am placing these inside of the level. I have created these pieces to tile seamlessly within the engine to create the bottom of the cell-block giving the player something to walk over. I am also going to at some point create another high-poly asset of this due to trying to incorporate the wires into a quick time event inside of the level in which the player rips the wires out of the floor to cut the power to some of the cells rendering them powerless and thus allowing those inside to escape.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

So returning back

So after a while away concentrating on some other more important issues i am back working on the project, and am looking forward to getting back into it, i have over the last few days been planning what to do next and what to focus on first. I have been re-editing a few textures to get them to fit a little better together as i got back into the hang of the things. Just really re familiarizing myself with the software and going over all of the files and finding my place again. Also just on a quick note if anyone would like to contact me feel free to contact me by dropping an email to or on my website once i get that up and running as i will be working on both that and this project over the next few weeks.

Saturday 6 July 2013

Prison Cell Assets: Cell creation complete.

Over the last few days i have been working away to get the cells finished and imported into the UDK Editor so that i can begin working on the beginning of the level inside of the editor to allow me to create some basic game play to test the base of the level to see if everything fits together as it should and can work. With the cells created there are only a few minor things left to do before the cells are completed and there is nothing else to be done. This being the creation of some pillows and bed sheets for the beds and a simple texture swap for the bed to fit with the new texture.

This is the view from the editor of what the outside of the cells will look like.

 The next two images are the view of cells form both the inside and out within the game.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Prison Cell Assets: Sink, Toilet, Wall side section

Over the last day i have been working away to create the rest of the assets to create the prison cells, to allow me to then get to creating them inside of the level so that i can start building the beginning part of the level. Over the last day i have managed to create the sink, toilet and side wall models for the cells and have them fully textured and have begun creating the back wall piece and am now currently on texturing this. All of the assets within the cells will be made up of the same basic metal textures as these are standard holding cells and not the life of luxury for the prisoners who are being kept there.

Sunday 30 June 2013

Prison Cell Assets : Cell Door Textured

So with the asset created i began to texture the mesh, the first draft of the texture was going to be a normal steel texture just the same as the bed, but when applied to the model it didn't look right so i scrapped that idea and went in a different direction. Instead i used a green metal texture that i found and went from there to create the texture from images that i found on the internet.

As you can see on the left side of the frame there is an indented section, once inside of the level lights will be added into the specific space. These lights will be a indicator for what cells have power and what cells are powered down and can be opened by the player or NPC's.

Here are the rendered images of the cell door frame created.

The same was done for the doors that i had created, the original texture was made to fit with the frame and the style of the room but during the process they changed with the style of the room. Again in the middle of the object there is a indent in which lights will be placed when inside of the level.

Here are the rendered images of the final door, with a simple cylinder in the scene to show the reflection that is on the door windows and how that works.

Here are the two models together creating the full door representing how they will look in game.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Prison Cell Assets: Cell door

The second asset that i decided to model was the prison cell door with the frame around it, i created these separate so that i could animate the door inside of the level, so that they could open and close with player interaction. The door that i created is a standard mesh and is probably going to change while i texture it, but the frame for the door just needs a texture adding and some lights adding into it while it is inside of UDK and the level.

Sunday 23 June 2013

Beginning the level : The prison block -BSP

This is the beginning of the prison section mapped out in BSP, at the moment it is just rough, with the interior being built up with BSP as well. BSP even making up the base placeholders for where the assets are going to be placed and to the correct scale, as to give a visual representation of what the area will look like.

This is a view from above the level inside UDK, this shot is of the showers and the cell blocks. This is where the player starts inside of the level. 

This is a shot of the level showing the inside of the rooms, showing the scale and placement of where the assets are going to be, along with a shot of the cells and what they are intended to look like.

Saturday 22 June 2013

Beginning the level : The prison block - Layout

Before i go about creating the level with BSP I decided that it would be good to mock up a visual representation of the level to work from, with this i could also plan out where enemies and allies will be, where weapons and ammo can be located and where events will be created. But before all that could be done a simple plan of the prison section needed to be created.

With this being a prison on a ship I decided to keep the prison on the small scale having only a few cell-blocks to make it more realistic on-board the spaceship it is on, as it being a command ship not a prison ship. As well as having all the staff and security rooms that are connected with the prison allocated to the section with it to build up a little dome inside of the ship. giving the section a specific purpose away from the rest of the sections inside of the ship.

Prison Cell Assets : Bed Textured

Currently i am inbetween choices for the look and feel of the level, specifically the way the ship will look, in one retrospect i want the ship to look clean and bright aka white walls giving it the whole sci-fi feel but with it being the enemy ship i also want it to be a more standard ship interior colours of bland steel textures and keep the other textures for the allied ships as to clearly tell the two apart. So with this in mind i created two different textures one for both themes so that i could apply one easily upon decision.

This is the original texture i created for the bed, again this being the one with white metal walls intended.

And this is the second texture i created for the bed, a normal steel texture for the base frame of the bed.

Again the texture will depend on what theme and style i decide to go with for the level, at the moment it is probably going to be the normal steel theme and go with the white metal texture for the allied ships but at the present time this can still be changed.

Sunday 2 June 2013

Prison Cell: Assets

While i am currently learning how to create animated textures to apply to the screen of the computer i have decided to start building the rest of the assets for the prison section. The first one i decided to work on was the beds to go inside of the prison cells.

I decided on building the base of the bed separate from the rest of the bed allowing for interaction with the other parts of the object, instead of leaving it a blank bland asset. This also allows em to place the assets freely around the cells, allowing for variation within the levels aesthetics .

Saturday 25 May 2013

Prison Cell Computer creation

As i was designing the prison cells i thought that it would be a good idea to have some sort of control panel on the outside of these to give someone on the outside of the cell control over what went on with the prison cell. This allowing for the cells to be open, closed, turn the lights on and off inside of the cells etc. So i went about creating a control computer for the cells using 3DS Max to take and import into UDK for when it came to building the level.

These would be placed outside of each of the prison cells inside of the level, most for aesthetic but some would allow the payer to interact with cells that had things of note inside of, allowing me to have the player interact with these for a purpose. I have currently just finished modelling the asset and am now on unwrapping it before i start on the texture, i shall post the finished model with the texture applied upon completion of this.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Beginning the level : The prison block

With the player being a prisoner of war it only made sense that the character would be locked inside of a prison. So this is the point that i began creating the level. Due to creating the level inside of the UDK Editor i easily created the basis of the room out of BSP which allowed me to have a visual representation of the room so that i could see what needed to be created to be placed inside of this.

Fps Game + Level Idea

The idea for the FPS game that i am going about creating is a about a far off future in which the galaxy is consumed by war, where a single person left earth and traveled to the stars to find and rally an army to command and control. Once they had assumed control of this intergalactic army and had begun their conquest over the stars they decide that they wish to finally return home but to return as a ruler. The game starts with the initial strike upon Earth. (I will expand on this later).

A level of the game is set aboard the enemy flagship, where the player is a captured and being held as a prisoner of war.  The player was captured during the previous mission as they tried a full frontal assault on the ship but with bad decisions an problems arising while running into a series of tricks and traps as they traveled through the ship the party gets captured with the majority getting executed. In this level the player must escape the ship and return to allied space and inform his superiors of what his captors are planning.

Tuesday 21 May 2013


After having finished university i am now beginning on some projects of my own that i have been wanting to work on for a while, these projects being pushed back due to the work load i had from the course but now that all of that work has been done and handed in i am free to begin and work on these projects.

At the moment there are currently two projects i am currently working on, the first is a fps game that i am designing, creating and developing myself. I have been thinking of this idea for quite a few months now and have decided that now i am free to peruse this that i should go ahead and do this.  The second is a MMO RPG that i am working on with a friend and colleague from the course that i have just finished.


Hi there

I am a 21 year old games designer based in the united kingdom having just finished a games design course at university.

I have created this blog to use as a place to show off my skills as a designer to potential employers as well as the general public, as well as a place to keep an active update on projects and various other things that i am working on. This blog was also created to serve as a sort of journal or record to document the work i do as a way to one day hopefully look back at previous work and see how much i have improved as time goes by.