Saturday 25 May 2013

Prison Cell Computer creation

As i was designing the prison cells i thought that it would be a good idea to have some sort of control panel on the outside of these to give someone on the outside of the cell control over what went on with the prison cell. This allowing for the cells to be open, closed, turn the lights on and off inside of the cells etc. So i went about creating a control computer for the cells using 3DS Max to take and import into UDK for when it came to building the level.

These would be placed outside of each of the prison cells inside of the level, most for aesthetic but some would allow the payer to interact with cells that had things of note inside of, allowing me to have the player interact with these for a purpose. I have currently just finished modelling the asset and am now on unwrapping it before i start on the texture, i shall post the finished model with the texture applied upon completion of this.

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