Monday 25 November 2013

Prison Block Assets : Doors,Wall and Floor sections

So after returning to the project I began to create the rest of the assets that I needed to finish off the cell block, going about creating the doors leading into the individual cell blocks as well as the floors trying to get the visuals of the cell blocks done to give some sort of idea as to what the level of at least the section would look like. All of the assets that I have created are base models that I will edit, re-texture or re-make at a later time when the level is at a more complete stage. 

Prison cell-block wall and doors ( This is the side of the door that leads into the individual cell blocks)

As i said before this texture will change and maybe the model as well when it comes around to it as the text at the top of the door will be getting put into a panel or a proper warning box of sorts. I'm thinking of editing the top panel so that there is a sort of plaque sticking out from it with the message engraved or sprayed onto it, the text that is there will also be subject to change. There is one thing that will be defiantly changing at a later point and that is the main circle in the middle of the doors, this will have a logo placed on the middle of it, weather that logo is going to be an emissive texture or just a standard one im not too sure yet but this will be replacing the standard green mask that is just there for speed at the moment. 

There door that are also seen here will be getting decals made for them and alternate textures due to the fact that i am going to try and make each prison cell look unique, i will be creating various alternate textures to place ontop of these such as  bloody hand prints, smashed glass, scratch marks etc just to give the level a more natural feel and not just like the prison cells have been cloned and that the player is just running through the same thing over and over again.

Prison cell-block floor (Perspective view)

(Top down view)

Again as with the floor as the same as the doors i will be creating decals and textures for these to switch between when i am placing these inside of the level. I have created these pieces to tile seamlessly within the engine to create the bottom of the cell-block giving the player something to walk over. I am also going to at some point create another high-poly asset of this due to trying to incorporate the wires into a quick time event inside of the level in which the player rips the wires out of the floor to cut the power to some of the cells rendering them powerless and thus allowing those inside to escape.

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