Saturday 22 June 2013

Beginning the level : The prison block - Layout

Before i go about creating the level with BSP I decided that it would be good to mock up a visual representation of the level to work from, with this i could also plan out where enemies and allies will be, where weapons and ammo can be located and where events will be created. But before all that could be done a simple plan of the prison section needed to be created.

With this being a prison on a ship I decided to keep the prison on the small scale having only a few cell-blocks to make it more realistic on-board the spaceship it is on, as it being a command ship not a prison ship. As well as having all the staff and security rooms that are connected with the prison allocated to the section with it to build up a little dome inside of the ship. giving the section a specific purpose away from the rest of the sections inside of the ship.

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