Monday 28 April 2014

Today's progress

So after working away throughout the day i have been working again on my website and within the axis game factory and i have some updates. First off is the work i have been doing inside of the axis game factory as of this morning i had a base map that i had created and just thrown some assets onto while i getting to know the software. But over the course of the day i have scrapped what i originally had and set about a start to actually creating a piece of work for my portfolio. While i was creating the map i have also created some more assets within the editor using the pieces that the software provides, creating these to build up the environment of my level. The assets are as follows.


Town Hall - Front

Town Hall - Side on view

The level is set on a small little island that is home to a little village that is shut of from the rest of the world. These images are the ones of the map in its original state when i began it earlier today.

The next images are the screenshots i have taken at the end of the work i have done towards it today. These aren't images of the final level as there is still alot i have to do towards it, this is just a stopping point for the day.
This is the overview of the Island as it currently stands

This is the player start and the lead up to the bridge into the village

The bridge across the river to the village

The beginning of the path to the village

Further down the road to the village

A view of the road from a hill

Entrance to the village

The beginning of the outer edge of the village

The village's town hall

The assets in the village for the houses are just make shift ones that will be replaced when new ones are created to add a bit of variety to the town, there will also be things like roads and a town square of sorts in front of the town hall. Now onto the issue of the website, the website will be up and running after i finally figure out what i am going to do as a homepage and the last of the screenshots form my progress from today have been uploaded, it will be more than likely up and running by this time tomorrow and again a link will be posted to it. There will also be some screenshots of the prison cells with the alarm lighting on, i was hoping to have them ready to post with these but it is currently taking its time to bake the lighting for the scene so i will have to post these tomorrow with the link for the website.

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