Sunday 30 June 2013

Prison Cell Assets : Cell Door Textured

So with the asset created i began to texture the mesh, the first draft of the texture was going to be a normal steel texture just the same as the bed, but when applied to the model it didn't look right so i scrapped that idea and went in a different direction. Instead i used a green metal texture that i found and went from there to create the texture from images that i found on the internet.

As you can see on the left side of the frame there is an indented section, once inside of the level lights will be added into the specific space. These lights will be a indicator for what cells have power and what cells are powered down and can be opened by the player or NPC's.

Here are the rendered images of the cell door frame created.

The same was done for the doors that i had created, the original texture was made to fit with the frame and the style of the room but during the process they changed with the style of the room. Again in the middle of the object there is a indent in which lights will be placed when inside of the level.

Here are the rendered images of the final door, with a simple cylinder in the scene to show the reflection that is on the door windows and how that works.

Here are the two models together creating the full door representing how they will look in game.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Prison Cell Assets: Cell door

The second asset that i decided to model was the prison cell door with the frame around it, i created these separate so that i could animate the door inside of the level, so that they could open and close with player interaction. The door that i created is a standard mesh and is probably going to change while i texture it, but the frame for the door just needs a texture adding and some lights adding into it while it is inside of UDK and the level.

Sunday 23 June 2013

Beginning the level : The prison block -BSP

This is the beginning of the prison section mapped out in BSP, at the moment it is just rough, with the interior being built up with BSP as well. BSP even making up the base placeholders for where the assets are going to be placed and to the correct scale, as to give a visual representation of what the area will look like.

This is a view from above the level inside UDK, this shot is of the showers and the cell blocks. This is where the player starts inside of the level. 

This is a shot of the level showing the inside of the rooms, showing the scale and placement of where the assets are going to be, along with a shot of the cells and what they are intended to look like.

Saturday 22 June 2013

Beginning the level : The prison block - Layout

Before i go about creating the level with BSP I decided that it would be good to mock up a visual representation of the level to work from, with this i could also plan out where enemies and allies will be, where weapons and ammo can be located and where events will be created. But before all that could be done a simple plan of the prison section needed to be created.

With this being a prison on a ship I decided to keep the prison on the small scale having only a few cell-blocks to make it more realistic on-board the spaceship it is on, as it being a command ship not a prison ship. As well as having all the staff and security rooms that are connected with the prison allocated to the section with it to build up a little dome inside of the ship. giving the section a specific purpose away from the rest of the sections inside of the ship.

Prison Cell Assets : Bed Textured

Currently i am inbetween choices for the look and feel of the level, specifically the way the ship will look, in one retrospect i want the ship to look clean and bright aka white walls giving it the whole sci-fi feel but with it being the enemy ship i also want it to be a more standard ship interior colours of bland steel textures and keep the other textures for the allied ships as to clearly tell the two apart. So with this in mind i created two different textures one for both themes so that i could apply one easily upon decision.

This is the original texture i created for the bed, again this being the one with white metal walls intended.

And this is the second texture i created for the bed, a normal steel texture for the base frame of the bed.

Again the texture will depend on what theme and style i decide to go with for the level, at the moment it is probably going to be the normal steel theme and go with the white metal texture for the allied ships but at the present time this can still be changed.

Sunday 2 June 2013

Prison Cell: Assets

While i am currently learning how to create animated textures to apply to the screen of the computer i have decided to start building the rest of the assets for the prison section. The first one i decided to work on was the beds to go inside of the prison cells.

I decided on building the base of the bed separate from the rest of the bed allowing for interaction with the other parts of the object, instead of leaving it a blank bland asset. This also allows em to place the assets freely around the cells, allowing for variation within the levels aesthetics .