Thursday 8 May 2014

New wall model and slight issue fixes

So even though i haven't been posting over the last few days i have still be working away on my projects, now setting my full focus on my main project once again going back to creating the assets and starting to build up the level inside of UDK.  The first thing i addressed when coming back to the level was finishing the texturing of the new wall piece off and making sure that once placed inside of the editor it worked with the lighting and didn't have dark shades across it where the old piece did. As i did this i bought myself a texture software package in which i could create myself some normal and specular maps for my models.

This is the rendered image of the new wall asset from inside of max.
Asset with standard diffuse map

Asset inside UDK with specular and normal map

What the wall pieces will look like when placed into the level.

Once i had finished texturing the wall piece and had placed it inside of the editor i found that there was an issue when it came to joining the wall pieces together when they came to create a corner. There was a gap in the middle of them so i had to go back and make some quick assets to place in these corners. You can see the pieces in the image above, i created the metal beam for the inner corners and another wall piece for the larger outer corner gap. With building these another issue arose this being that now i had built this extra asset to place along side the walls to join them, the floor piece that was created would no longer be long enough to fit together when connecting to the corner section. This problem is the same with the roof, so i am currently working on the smaller assets to fit in these to fix this slight little issue. Also as i mentioned before i have just purchased a new texturing software package, so now i can create normal maps and specular maps etc. for my assets below is the floor as this is and the wall above are the only two assets to have them on at the moment i will be getting around to creating them for all of the assets currently made as soon as i have fixed the corridor and have gotten that fully finished.

The floor with just a normal texture added to it.

The floor with a normal map and specular map added.

The difference between the two.

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