Saturday 25 May 2013

Prison Cell Computer creation

As i was designing the prison cells i thought that it would be a good idea to have some sort of control panel on the outside of these to give someone on the outside of the cell control over what went on with the prison cell. This allowing for the cells to be open, closed, turn the lights on and off inside of the cells etc. So i went about creating a control computer for the cells using 3DS Max to take and import into UDK for when it came to building the level.

These would be placed outside of each of the prison cells inside of the level, most for aesthetic but some would allow the payer to interact with cells that had things of note inside of, allowing me to have the player interact with these for a purpose. I have currently just finished modelling the asset and am now on unwrapping it before i start on the texture, i shall post the finished model with the texture applied upon completion of this.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Beginning the level : The prison block

With the player being a prisoner of war it only made sense that the character would be locked inside of a prison. So this is the point that i began creating the level. Due to creating the level inside of the UDK Editor i easily created the basis of the room out of BSP which allowed me to have a visual representation of the room so that i could see what needed to be created to be placed inside of this.

Fps Game + Level Idea

The idea for the FPS game that i am going about creating is a about a far off future in which the galaxy is consumed by war, where a single person left earth and traveled to the stars to find and rally an army to command and control. Once they had assumed control of this intergalactic army and had begun their conquest over the stars they decide that they wish to finally return home but to return as a ruler. The game starts with the initial strike upon Earth. (I will expand on this later).

A level of the game is set aboard the enemy flagship, where the player is a captured and being held as a prisoner of war.  The player was captured during the previous mission as they tried a full frontal assault on the ship but with bad decisions an problems arising while running into a series of tricks and traps as they traveled through the ship the party gets captured with the majority getting executed. In this level the player must escape the ship and return to allied space and inform his superiors of what his captors are planning.

Tuesday 21 May 2013


After having finished university i am now beginning on some projects of my own that i have been wanting to work on for a while, these projects being pushed back due to the work load i had from the course but now that all of that work has been done and handed in i am free to begin and work on these projects.

At the moment there are currently two projects i am currently working on, the first is a fps game that i am designing, creating and developing myself. I have been thinking of this idea for quite a few months now and have decided that now i am free to peruse this that i should go ahead and do this.  The second is a MMO RPG that i am working on with a friend and colleague from the course that i have just finished.


Hi there

I am a 21 year old games designer based in the united kingdom having just finished a games design course at university.

I have created this blog to use as a place to show off my skills as a designer to potential employers as well as the general public, as well as a place to keep an active update on projects and various other things that i am working on. This blog was also created to serve as a sort of journal or record to document the work i do as a way to one day hopefully look back at previous work and see how much i have improved as time goes by.